What Are The Different Types Of Sit-Ups

Paul Bailie
3 min readJul 1, 2021


There are many different variations of sit-ups. With the support of equipment such as the exercise ball or a resistance band, you can make the abdominal exercise a little easier and gentler. The sit-up becomes more intense, for example, with dumbbells or a kettlebell. You can also add variety to your routine by varying the arm or leg posture and a twist in the upper body. We’ll show you five variants:

Butterfly Sit-up

Lie on your back and place the soles of your feet together. With your knees bent, let them fall outwards — like a butterfly. Stretch your arms over your head, straighten up from the strength of your abs and touch your feet with your hands. Alternatively, you can clap your palms on the floor in front of you. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner and repeat the movement. The faster you do it, the greater the cardio component. The Butterfly Sit-up is, not without reason, a popular strength endurance exercise for HIIT workouts.

Sit-up with an exercise ball

Instead of lying on the floor, start by lying down on an exercise ball. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Your tailbone should be on the ball and your entire lower back should be supported up to the lower part of your shoulder blades. Your upper back should float gently. Bring your hands behind your head and slowly roll up with your upper body. Do not pull at your head, as the hands are to be used as only light support. Pull the navel towards the ribs and keep the tension in your torso even when lowering.

Sit-up with a resistance band

This variation is ideal for beginners who want to approach sit-ups slowly. Loop a band around your feet and hold both ends with your hands. The force of the latex resistance band will make it easier to sit up. For higher intensity, you can stretch your legs straight on the floor instead of bending them.

Sit-up with dumbbells

For the more advanced, sit-ups with extra weight are a good option. Hold one dumbbell in each hand (alternatively a heavier dumbbell or kettlebell in front of the chest) and tense your stomach firmly. When you reach the top, you can punch up into the air with the dumbbells or raise them above your head towards the ceiling. Both variations intensify the movement.

Sit-up with a twist

Start by lying down on the mat with your legs hip-width. Choose an arm position: cross your arms in front of your chest, clasp your hands in front of your stomach in a pistol shape, or bring your fingertips to your temples. Lift the shoulder blades off the floor, tense the stomach firmly and straighten up. Rotate to one side in the upward movement. Bring the elbow to the opposite knee or the outstretched arms along the side of the opposite leg. Return to the floor and do it again on the other side. This version specifically works the lateral abdominal muscles.

What are the different types of sit-ups?

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